Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
286 lines
// XMMLIB.H -- Header file for XMMLIB routines, Copyright 1994, Paul Chang
// Credit:
// This code was developed based on the XMS version 2.0 specification,
// copyright (c) 1988, Microsoft Corporation, Lotus Development
// Corporation, Intel Corporation, and AST Research, Inc.
// Legal speak:
// This code is public domain and free, and may be distributed free of any
// charge or royalty, in the spirit of free software.
// All code, including source, object, and executable, may be used, free
// of any charge and royalty, provided that the developer gives credit
// to the original author should any of said code be used in either
// public domain or commercial software products.
// The developer may use this code with the understanding that the
// original author is in no way held responsible for any damage that may
// arise from usage of any of said code.
// Usage of said code includes incorporation into larger programs,
// possible alteration of original code, and redistribution.
// Translation:
// You can give this code away for free because this code is free.
// You can use this code for free, but if you decide to build something
// useful with it, give me some credit, will you?
// If you use this code and it somehow screws you or your system over,
// I'm not responsible, because I told you so. Besides, I'm too poor
// to be sued.
// You can compile stuff with this code, you can even change this code,
// and you can redistribute it, as long as you play nice and give me
// some credit.
// Why is this freeware?
// Because I doubt that anything I write could be commercially successful.
// Besides, I have a job that feeds me, so I don't really need your
// money.
// Why do I include source code?
// Because I know how frustrating it is to link a library without having
// the ability to look at the source code.
// Why do I give you permission to alter code?
// Because I know how frustrating it is to link a library without having
// the ability to alter the source code.
// Why do I want you to give me some credit?
// Because I've spent some time on this code, and I'd like to be
// recognized for that effort if you choose to use it.
// Why is this written in C++?
// Because I hate C. Besides, double-slash comments are nice. If you
// don't like it, tough -- try writing your OWN XMM library then.
#ifndef _XMMLIB_H
#define _XMMLIB_H
// XMM Function Numbers
// To check if XMM is installed, int 2Fh is called with AX=4300h and the
// contents of AL are compared to 0x80. This is confusing, because most XMM
// functions return 0x80 when a particular function is not implemented. To
// obtain the address of the XMM control function, call int 2Fh once again,
// only with AX=4310h, and the address of the XMM control function is
// returned in ES:BX. This control function is referenced in all subsequent
// XMM API calls.
#define XMM_CALL 0x2f
#define XMM_INSTALL 0x4300
#define XMM_INSTALLED 0x80
#define XMM_CONTROL 0x4310
// XMM control functions
#define XMM_GET_VERSION 0x00
#define XMM_REQUEST_HMA 0x01 // Not implemented -- dangerous!
#define XMM_RELEASE_HMA 0x02 // Not implemented -- dangerous!
#define XMM_ENABLE_A20 0x03 // Not implemented -- dangerous!
#define XMM_DISABLE_A20 0x04 // Not implemented -- dangerous!
#define XMM_LOC_ENABLE_A20 0x05 // Not implemented -- dangerous!
#define XMM_LOC_DISABLE_A20 0x06 // Not implemented -- dangerous!
#define XMM_QUERY_A20 0x07 // Not implemented -- dangerous!
#define XMM_QUERY_FREE 0x08
#define XMM_FREE_BLOCK 0x0A
#define XMM_MOVE_MEMORY 0x0B
#define XMM_LOCK_BLOCK 0x0C
#define XMM_REQUEST_UMB 0x10 // Not implemented -- I'm lazy!
#define XMM_RELEASE_UMB 0x11 // Not implemented -- I'm lazy!
#define XMM_REALLOC_UMB 0X12 // Not implemented -- I'm lazy!
#define XMM_SUPER_QUERY_FREE 0X88 // Don't use Super XMS functions yet!
#define XMM_SUPER_ALLOCATE 0X89 // Don't use Super XMS functions yet!
#define XMM_SUPER_GET_INFO 0X8E // Don't use Super XMS functions yet!
#define XMM_SUPER_REALLOC 0X8F // Don't use Super XMS functions yet!
// XMM error codes
// Most XMM functions will return an error code in BX if AX contains 0x0000,
// signalling an error. Otherwise, AX will usually return 0x0001.
#define XMM_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 0x80 // Means function is not implemented
#define XMM_VDISK_DETECTED 0x81 // Means VDISK was found
#define XMM_A20_ERROR 0x82 // Means A20 error occurred
#define XMM_DRIVER_ERROR 0x8E // Means general driver error occurred
#define XMM_FATAL_ERROR 0x8F // Means unrecoverable driver error
#define XMM_NO_HMA 0x90 // Means no HMA available
#define XMM_HMA_IN_USE 0x91 // Means HMA already in use
#define XMM_DX_LESS_HMAMIN 0x92 // Means DX < HMAMIN
#define XMM_HMA_NO_ALLOC 0x93 // Means HMA was not allocated
#define XMM_A20_ENABLED 0x94 // Means A20 line still enabled
#define XMM_NO_FREE_EMB 0xA0 // Means all EMBs allocated
#define XMM_NO_FREE_HANDLE 0xA1 // Means all handles allocated
#define XMM_INVALID_HANDLE 0xA2 // Means invalid handle
#define XMM_BAD_SOURCE_HANDLE 0xA3 // Means source handle is invalid
#define XMM_BAD_SOURCE_OFFSET 0xA4 // Means source offset is invalid
#define XMM_BAD_DEST_HANDLE 0xA5 // Means destination handle is invalid
#define XMM_BAD_DEST_OFFSET 0xA6 // Means destination offset is invalid
#define XMM_BAD_LENGTH 0xA7 // Means length is invalid
#define XMM_BAD_OVERLAP 0xA8 // Means move has invalid overlap
#define XMM_PARITY_ERROR 0xA9 // Means parity error occurred
#define XMM_BLOCK_NOT_LOCKED 0xAA // Means the block is not locked
#define XMM_BLOCK_LOCKED 0xAB // Means the block is locked
#define XMM_BLOCK_COUNT 0xAC // Means locked block count overflowed
#define XMM_LOCK_FAILED 0xAD // Means lock failed
#define XMM_SMALLER_UMB 0xB0 // Means smaller UMB is available
#define XMM_NO_UMB 0xB1 // Means no UMB available
#define XMM_BAD_UMB_SEG 0xB2 // Means bad UMB segment number
// Macros
// Far pointer conversion macros were snarfed from Borland C++ dos.h file
#ifndef MK_FP
# define MK_FP( seg,ofs )( (void _seg * )( seg ) + ( void near * )( ofs ))
#endif MK_FP
#ifndef FP_SEG
# define FP_SEG( fp )( (unsigned )( void _seg * )( void far * )( fp ))
#endif FP_SEG
#ifndef FP_OFF
# define FP_OFF( fp )( (unsigned )( fp ))
#endif FP_OFF
// Used to turn far pointers into Intel LE 32-bit SEG:OFF far pointer
#define MK_DWORD( fp )( (dword) FP_SEG(( fp )) << 16) + FP_OFF(( fp ))
// Do you like booleans? I like booleans.
#ifndef TRUE
# define TRUE 1
#endif TRUE
#ifndef FALSE
# define FALSE 0
#endif FALSE
#ifndef MAYBE
# define MAYBE Gee... uh... I dunno... maybe.
#endif MAYBE
// Type Definitions
// DWORDs are primarily used for far calls, like the pointer to the control
// function, and for offsets into EMBs. WORDs should be used for handles
// and most other data types.
typedef unsigned long int dword; // 32-bit double word
typedef unsigned int word; // 16-bit word
typedef unsigned char byte; // 8-bit byte
// Structures
// XMM spec says handles are words and offsets are double words.
// This structure is passed to XMM MoveMemory function 0x0B.
// If a NULL handle (0x0000) is passed, the offset is assumed to be a far
// pointer into conventional memory in Intel DWORD notation
typedef struct XMM_Move {
dword Length; // Number of bytes to move
word SourceHandle; // Source handle
dword SourceOffset; // Source offset into block memory
word DestHandle; // Destination handle
dword DestOffset; // Destination offset into block memory
} XMM_Move;
// External Global Variable Declaration
extern const char XMMLIB_Version[]; // String contains XMMLIB version
extern dword XMM_Control; // Array stores SEG:OFF of XMM handler
extern word XMM_Version; // 16-bit BCD of XMM version
extern char XMM_VerString[]; // String contains XMM version
extern word XMM_HMA; // Contains 1 if HMA is available
extern XMM_Move XMM_MoveStruct; // Contains move information
// Function Prototypes
extern byte XMM_Installed();
extern dword XMM_GetControl();
extern word XMM_GetVersion();
extern int XMM_GetVerHigh();
extern int XMM_GetVerLow();
extern char* XMM_GetVerString();
extern dword XMM_Initialize();
extern word XMM_QueryTotalFree();
extern word XMM_QueryLargestFree();
extern word XMM_AllocateBlock(word size);
extern byte XMM_FreeBlock(word handle);
extern word XMM_MoveMemory(dword length,
word srchnd, dword srcoff,
word dsthnd, dword dstoff);
extern dword XMM_LockBlock(word handle);
extern word XMM_UnlockBlock(word handle);
extern int XMM_LockCount(word handle);
extern int XMM_NumHandles(word handle);
extern word XMM_BlockSize(word handle);
extern word XMM_ReallocateBlock(word handle, word length);
extern word XMM_memcpy(word dsthnd, dword dstoff,
word srchnd, dword srcoff,
dword n);
extern word XMM_memcpy(word dsthnd, dword dstoff,
byte far* source,
dword n);
extern word XMM_memcpy(byte far* dest,
word srchnd, dword srcoff,
dword n);
extern word XMM_memcpy(byte far* dest, byte far* source, dword n);
#endif _XMMLIB_H